Almost 3000 2020 summit nominations : "People have until close of business this Friday to nominate at"
Inspite of shortcomings this is hugely popular and it has created genuine and animated debate based on good, solid thought. Love it! It's what we need. It does depend on who is available and who can be available and the newness of such a think tank summit has caught us unawares because we are plain not used to this kind of modern leadership approach. So, yes, it's not quite right at this stage but it is one of those things we shall grow through and which we can embellish and help to flourish. I take heart in the fact we have broken this kind of leadership and governance ground. I take heart in the fact people are clearly articulating where it falls down as a model and I take heart in the fact a lot of really good stuff is going to come out of this because we have loosened and freed up our thinking already. It means we shall not have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century. We'll get there in an animated, lively way.
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