
Friday, August 10, 2007

School drug tests 'highly unlikely'

AdelaideNow... School drug tests 'highly unlikely': "'I can't see that would apply to the overwhelming majority of school kids.'"

Precisely, but if drug testing rid us of the people who wheel, deal and put those students at risk? I think students who deal and use drugs at school are a huge risk to those who do not. How many parents are suffering the heartache of their child on drugs because some dope sold it to them at school and made it so cool? Then they become part of the gang and can't get out of it. Stopping it at school is a real start to dealing with it. I have heard that even primary school children are being used and abused in this fashion. If it's good enough for sport, it's good enough for school. A lot of school kids play sport. It would protect them. A lot of school kids go out on work experience. It would protect those work places. No, we ought not to have to do it, but I think it's more important to get rid of drugs. They are doing far too much damage and harm. I do not think we give them the option of avoiding the test.Maybe the police can visit those who are not there for testing???(I'm sure we have the resources!!) It will have to be all or nothing because it would seem too many kids and their families are being affected by the money makers and those without conscience.

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