
Saturday, August 11, 2007

Kidnapping prompts warning on internet chatrooms

Kidnapping prompts warning on internet chatrooms : "The 56-year-old man travelled to Mali hoping to meet an online girlfriend but police say he was taken hostage, stripped naked and threatened by men with machetes who demanded a ransom of $100,000."

This is also very Adelaide. We would see it as a chance for a new life, an opportunity not to be missed and a way of just getting out there. We can be too trusting, though. We'll wake up quickly. We learn fast and it's a shame people cannot just follow their dreams and that star. My nursing friend just packed up and went over to Africa to help there. We were a bit concerned but she is okay and four years later there are no signs of her returning she just loves it so much.I think we need to think about how we can help people like this,because the Net does help so many people make friends and find partners. It's horrible this went so wrong and it is fantastic the authorities got onto it so quickly and resolved it so well. I think we need to get some safety behaviours in place like the ones suggested in the article, but we need to talk about it more so we come up with some good ideas. I hate to think we cannot do anything and can't dream our dreams because the world has some real horrorheads out there. That is not most of us. Not by a long shot.

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