
Friday, August 03, 2007

Imported fish tested

Imported fish tested : "Recent tests conducted on seafood imports found residues of antibiotics not allowed in Australian seafood, Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Minister Peter McGauran said yesterday."

When I first read the heading, Imported Fish Tested...I thought, because I'm a wee bit tired at the moment, the fish were going to be doing algebra and physics test, maybe an English essay or two and then an oral in French or something...and then thought, hm, I think I have misunderstood this. Sure enough..they are being tested for antibiotics. Are they sick? Why do you give fish antibiotics? I am totally and thoroughly fed up with a planet that cannot feed people properly. Shoving heaven knows what chemicals into our food...which goes into our mouths is not....not a smart move. It's not the fish which need testing it is the food manufacturers. Truly...why would you not feed people properly? I have had enough!! Test the bloomin' food manufacturers/producers.

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