
Monday, July 23, 2007

Search on for Adelaide hit-run driver

Search on for Adelaide hit-run driver : "'The driver of the Camry was ejected from the vehicle as a result of the collision and was left to lie on the road - a very despicable act,' he said."

This is not the first time this has happened and I don't suppose it will be the last. As drivers we do have a duty of care to provide assistance to anyone who is injured. I think we need an easy to follow protocol which becomes the "If you drink, don't drive" campaign. We need something straight forward and manageable because I doubt people actually intend to leave someone in dire straights. It would seem they simply do not have the courage to front up and deal with it and it often seems to be with loan drivers. When there are more people then the peer pressure kicks in and the moral support and conscience are there. So we need to put that in with a well known and familiar protocol. The very least people can do is ring an ambulance. Fear obviously plays a big role. For all our judgment of the ones who walk off, we are in no better position to work out how to stop that behaviour because it is costing people their lives and creating some severe injuries and trauma. We have to understand the behaviour so we can fix it. The truck driver will turn up. I doubt he will be able to deal with it when he comes to. Given it's a truck, it'll probably be easily located.

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