
Thursday, July 19, 2007

How A Laydee showed that First Impressions really are misleading

How A Laydee showed that First Impressions really are misleading : "But what really astonished David Lassman was that only one of 18 publishers and literary agents recognised her work when it was submitted to them under a false name."

Bit bad when Jane Austen can't even get a look in. Worse when she is not widely recognised in the publishing industry. That's the point. The focus is economics not literature. David Lassman had some very odd responses to his manuscript and it has given insight into how these things work. It would be frustrating, if you thought you were publishable, that you couldn't be, but this seems to be the odd thing about the world today. We have overly qualified people doing menial jobs because they have been studying for a lot of years and so haven't got "work experience" and then you have under qualified people in key jobs because they have done part time work and some study but they can demonstrate they are employable and they know the work world. So lots of high end stuff is becoming skewed. I think there is probably something to be said for a publishing co op. How do authors get published these days?

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