
Friday, June 15, 2007

Furore as police lose road chase spikes

Furore as police lose road chase spikes : "Police admitted embarrassment at the incident, which follows the document theft, the loss of a loaded revolver from a detective's holster in a foot chase in February, and the case of an infringement notice handed back to police by a member of the public after it fell off a car roof."
It's going to be nice and obvious if someone has the spikes. They are not the sort of thing to go unnoticed, so someone will know where they are and who has them. Whoever is hiding them is bonkers. They'll turn up, that's for sure. As for the other gaffes, it tends to suggest the police are stressed to the eyeballs. That kind of "forgetfulness" is rare in well trained personnel. Our police are well trained and very particular. They are not slack. I'd be looking at their daily routine, their work conditions and morale.

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