
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Dalai Lama meets Rudd

AdelaideNow... Dalai Lama meets Rudd: "THE Dalai Lama is perplexed why Australians are so bothered about whether or not he meets Prime Minister John Howard."

He's right. Why are we bothered? He has at least been warmly met in the places he has been. I guess it may be something to do with old British customs. When I grew up it was important to meet the people who ought to be met whether you had a need to meet them or not. It was about according them respect according to their perceived status. The more important the person, the more important the people who met them. The Dalai Lama is a spiritual leader. He should be met as such by important people of our nation. It is about "old friends". Or at least important relationships. The odd thing about this British custom was you could think what you liked about these people and their visits but as your guest they were treated well. We seem to have lost that level of graciousness here. It had nothing to do with who they were and whether they were liked or not. If the Archbishop of Canterbury came to visit , you rolled out an appropriate and dignified welcome. If some people didn't like him or disapproved of him that wasn't relevant. It was that he was the head of the Church of England. Same with my Aunt Ag. If she were going to visit, the best china came out, the nicest , daintiest cakes were baked and we sat and had a grand chit chat in honour of Aunt Ag. At the time she was the oldest member of our family and we accorded her some privilege because of that. If the Dalai Lama has bothered to visit us then we should appreciate that visit. If there is a difficulty with other people and nations because of that then that is a separate issue because, in the end, it's about our country and who we welcome. We do not ask other countries or people to meet and greet whom we say anymore than we tell our neighbours whom they may entertain to afternoon tea. We might not like who visits, but that is separate from good manners.

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