
Saturday, June 30, 2007

Church bells too loud

Church bells take toll on neighbourhood : "Reverend Mike Hawke is dismayed by the Christchurch City Council's decision and wonders why anyone would move next to a church and not expect its bells to take some toll on Sunday."

Very funny, but point well made. How much have we changed?? I can remember when it would have been sacrilege to complain about anything to do with churches. The church had a powerful and respected place in terms of being one of the things which held us together and reinforced us even if we were not Christian. Religion was sacred and the respect for it was just simply there. Now, churches have no more value than anything else we have so if the bells make noise then the neighbours can complain. The individual belief is far more sacred than anything else. We are incredibly self serving and it's not surprising we feel cut off and adrift. Something has to glue society together and if it's about what the individual wants then it's no wonder we are disgruntled and squabbling...and climbing over each other to riches. What is the thing which binds us? What values? What belief systems? What is our social glue?

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