
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Mathematician turns chaos into crochet.

Mathematician turns chaos into crochet. : "Dr Osinga and colleague Professor Bernd Krauskopf have been working on visualising the Lorenz equations, which is how Dr Osinga ended up with a crochet model."
I think I've lost it tonight. I have read all of this and nowhere does it say how crochet is actually helping and if it's the crochet I love and adore or if it's mathematical crochet or a special crochet. A crochet model? Where do the leaves and particles come up in this? Are they crocheted leaves and particles? I don't think so?! Creative as that might be I don't think this will help them predict where the leaves will flow in relation to the rock. Now, is that a crocheted rock? If the equations are simplifying the system ( dare I ask what system?) then why is crochet mentioned? And if you have to wait and see what path the leaves take, fair enough, crochet while you are waiting and then you can do what others do and watch the leaves twirl and float and make yourself a nice hat at the same time. Either this article is obtuse or I am and I am actually good at crochet! The scientist is obviously good at crochet because she has drawn the praise of artists...and clearly that is the value of her crochet. It's art. This article has really lost something in the translation! (Or I need a long, long holiday.)

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