
Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas cake ban

AdelaideNow... Christmas cake ban:

"'This decision means for the first time in 18 years I won't be able to give the LTO staff – some of whom I often deal with – a cake to share at Christmas. Every year I take some cakes into reception at the Lands Titles Office, say `Merry Christmas' to whoever is behind the desk and leave."

Corporations and businesses are about protocol. About profit and not people. About agenda items, memos, regulations and legality. Human kindness, thought, warmth and consideration are things we need to sustain ourselves and others. Humanity is not part of the corporate agenda. Efficiency and efficacity are. Pretty sad, but I think we are starting to realise just how much it is costing us. I hopw Mr. Woodward can prevail in sharing his customary Christmas spirit even if the corporate agenda pooh poohs it. Eventually the business model will work out that you cannot put a wet blanket on humanity.

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