
Sunday, September 03, 2006

Retirees packing a punch

AdelaideNow... Retirees packing a punch:

"Most gyms run the classes in their off-peak times which suits many participants who may feel intimidated by younger people in skin-tight outfits."

It's good to see the oldies getting out there and doing it for themselves!! Physical strength does build confidence and a lot of oldies get old before their time. The gyms have woken up to a niche market but it's also a case of providing a valuable link to health. It's not all about the body beautiful and I guess there is a place for that in gyms but if they realised a lot more people would participate if they catered to "normality" and something more relevant than packaging of the spirit then everyone would benefit. I guess once hotels come to the party and realise oldies don't want "twin share" accomodation but a dignified older lifestyle then the oldies will be heaps happier. They are a stabilising force not to be cast aside, but nurtured.

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