
Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Stolen medals found after police search

AdelaideNow... Stolen medals found after police search:

"'I'm really pleased that they've been found, particularly the ones that are most important to me,' the glamour athlete and model - currently competing in Europe - said in a statement."

Everyone will be pleased to know Tatiana's medals have been found. The police have been really good at the hunt down and search lately and probably because we have been very positive as a community. We have helped them and worked with them and so it's been a team effort. I think we have just had enough of the small group of people who constantly hold the rest of us to ransom. We've locked arms with the police and made a better effort to be a community. For Tatiana , this will be a relief because she works hard for our nation....and deserves to actually have her medals and have them respected!

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