
Sunday, July 30, 2006

SA 'doesn't need to recycle water'

SA 'doesn't need to recycle water' :

"SOUTH Australia has already embarked on a $200 million water recycling program that rules out the need to recycle sewage as drinking water, the State Government said today."

Phew! Thank heavens for that. Adelaide water tastes disgusting enough without adding recycled sewage to it!! Oh what bliss it was to be away in another country and have hair which was shiny and manageable... and nice soft clothes. Come back home and it's all dry and hard to get along with again. For goodness sake , please look at the chemical mix in our water. It really is bad. I am sure Mr. Rann will be pleased to know I thoroughly agree with him about making better use of our rain water. It just gushes down the streets and down pipes. Most of us have rain water tanks, but there is still plenty of water just going down street drain. It's stupid. We have to be able to filter that water into storage tanks or something so it can be recycled for watering or coupled with the new Adelaide water treatment invention. I have got my water saving strategies in place as has everyone else I know, so we are willing to help. Show us the way!

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