
Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Most US troops want Iraq exit within year: poll.

Most US troops want Iraq exit within year: poll. :

"An overwhelming majority (85 per cent) said the main US mission was 'to retaliate for Saddam's role in the 9/11 attacks'.

Another major reason for the war cited by 77 per cent of the respondents was 'to stop Saddam from protecting Al Qaeda in Iraq'."

It doesn't actually say who had the guts and the common sense to commission the poll of troops in Iraq. This is actually a sensible approach because the troops are there and they are the ones who are dying, being injured and coming home so seriously affected. That most of them think they are there to retaliate for Saddam Hussein's role in the WTC centre attacks speaks for itself. We've done well. That most of them believe there should be an exit within a year with only 20 odd percent of them supporting an immediate exit, tends to suggest they have some idea of managing this. Maybe. It's hard to say at all with the constant stream of reported deaths whether any of this is helpful to Iraq or not. The people of Iraq don't seem to want the troops there and maybe they think they can fix it better themselves. Certainly it is just heart breaking to hear of all the damage and death to everyone concerned. We need to change what is going on, or are we not capable of that? We can bring wholesale damage but not wholesale repair? We are a very strange species indeed.

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