
Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Giant jellyfish in Japan

World news from The Times and the Sunday Times:

"They are 6ft wide and weigh 450lb (200kg), with countless poisonous tentacles, they have drifted across the void to terrorise the people of Japan. Vast armadas of the slimy horrors have cut off the country’s food supply. As soon as one is killed more appear to take its place."

We at least can spot the massive sharks off our coast and have been able to warn and save people. Spotting jellyfish is impossible. It has become a real problem, not only because they would be a threat to people but because they are really affecting the fishing industry. Some fisheries are reporting an 80% loss of income. It could be over fishing which is causing the influx of the Nomura jelly fish but it could also be the massive rains in China. In any case the countries in the area are having a jellyfish summit to try and find solutions. Britain is also suffering from excess jellyfish in the ocean but theirs are the Lion's Mane jellyfish. Maybe we are lucky to have sharks! There was a whopper off the coast of Sydney today but it was tracked pretty well and the beaches were cleared. Swimming is going to be interesting this summer...may even be off the agenda. Our world is totally warped at the moment. Who warped it?

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