
Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Petrol taxes may rise again

The Advertiser: Petrol taxes may rise again :

"'The raising of the excise duty provides funding to allow a grant to be paid to support the introduction of cleaner fuel standards in Australia,' Ms Barry said.

The cleaner fuels initiative encourages petrol manufacturers and suppliers who upgrade facilities to produce petrol with 50 parts per million or less of sulphur."

The amount of indirect taxing from this government by way of levies is never questioned. We have the state emergency levy, the airport taxes, the bank taxes, the River Murray levy ..the this levy and the that levy. We are charged for all sorts of bungling. The River Murray wouldn't be as it is had Governments taken notice of environementalists. We shouldn't actually be paying for the demise of Ansett...and now we are going to pay for cleaner fuels and fuel research when the government and oil companies are doing very well at our expense and all we are doing is expending...oh, and there are hospital admission levies. Constantly we pay for poorly kept and maintained resources. People keep asking , when we have so much oil ourselves, why we are paying all this extra? Well, why are we because I do not get it and neither does anyone else.

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