
Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Record tobacco haul

The Advertiser: Customs seize record tobacco haul:

"'The seizure is one of the biggest ever made by Customs,' Regional New South Wales Director of Customs David Collins said.

An equivalent amount of tobacco imported legally would have attracted Commonwealth duty and taxes amounting to more than $1.8 million."

The customs people are really on the ball. They have found goodness knows what. I wouldn't have thought about importing tobacco because everyone is so anti smiking here. Maybe parts of Australia aren't and it's worth it. You'd get such a mouthful from most people for trying to sell tobacco. Mind you, I caould well imagine real tobacco, if that is what it is, would be less harmful and less polluting than the chemical cocktail masquerading as cigarettes. It would be interesting to know. But look at the amount the duty and taxes make from tobacco. Unbelievable. The anti smoking campaign here has been a real people driven peer pressure initiative which snowballed and snowballed. Any changes to laws have been as a result of the people initiative.

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