
Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Slow food movement

The Advertiser: Preserving tradition in a convivial 'slow town' :

"'Becoming a 'slow town' is a positive move to preserve Goolwa's history, develop local produce and products and provide good service and facilities,' she said. At least 33 Italian towns have become 'slow towns' with the concept spreading to other countries."

Goolwa is well on the way to emulating the Cittaslow Italian model and Willunga looks like it will follow. Italy obviously new what it was doing and if anyone can teach us about home, hearth, food and family it is the Italians. Everyone here comes back from Italy raving about he food and the conviviality of the people. Most South Australians of Italian origin are from Calabria and they have had a good impact on our community and pasta is coming back into its own alongside the Thai passions. People are starting to realise that life in the fast lane costs. It is time to slow down, to smell the roses, to enjoy our surroundings, our friends and family and the fine wines we make here. It is time to value people. People are everything. Racing past everyone in a blur is not living. Goolwa has always been a great spot. Now it will be even better.

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