
Wednesday, July 27, 2005


The Advertiser: Iraq war can't be won: US Poll:

"A MAJORITY of Americans believe the United States cannot win the war nor establish a democratic government in Iraq, according to a USA Today/CNN/Gallup poll published today."

There is no winning in Iraq. Plenty of losing. Plenty of misery and the most we can hope for is that the country will stabilise in some way shape or form and having got them into this mess, we can help get them out of it. Only the Iraqis can organise a democracy. A democracy cannot be imposed. That is autocracy, tyranny. This is why all these efforts to talk to the Iraqis must not be undermined or minimised. Talking. That is what democracy is. Leading by example. People are starting to wake up to this. There is a lot to be gained by everyone getting in there and talking and doing. The damage is done. Undoing the damage is about fixing it. Fixing is not negative, not destructive. Think of how you fix other things. You bring stuff, people, expertise in and you have a plan. Blow a bridge up and you do not fix it by blowing it up more. You bring in trucks, engineers...come on, you know how to fix a bridge. TEAM EFFORT. I stupidly keep thinking in 2005 we can do heaps better than this. I keep getting the idea the human race might actually stop behaving as it has done in past millennia and come up with a new way of living. Come into this millennium and actually do something fantastically great instead of the same ole, same ole battles, wars, takeovers,kill, maim and destroy empires like we have always had. Get a new and truly inspirational approach to the human way of living and engaging with each other. Platform game on a different level all the time. Time to move on into 2005.

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