
Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Dutton carries flag for ID card.

Dutton carries flag for ID card. :

"'[Firstly], when we look at terrorists, whether they're homegrown or not, and when we look at major organised crime syndicates and individuals who are funding these terrorists, we know that they use multiple identities, we know that they travel on illegal documents, and we know that even within one's own country that those people are determined to carry on their affairs under a number of identities.

'So I think that is the first compelling argument when we're having this debate.

'I think secondly, from my perspective, we have issues in this country in relation to social welfare fraud and I think that this card would lend some weight to addressing those concerns as well.'"

Well, I suppose it is a diversion from the immigration debacle and keeps those people out of the limelight. Bit of chook shed slapping which may or may not end up as reality. Keeps terror in our thoughts and that in turn favours the incumbents. We know all that. An action has an equal and opposite reaction and when terror is on the menu , then ultra conservatism is its antithesis. Some say the ID cards will save lives, like they have some magical defibrillator in them and you whack them out and onto the chest of the dying person and magically they are saved. Most countries do have ID cards and they have a lot more identity problems than we have and plenty of money changes hands to create identities. This is all common knowledge which we are currently ignoring. Give us an ID card and we have a very handy centralised database to be hacked and identities can be stolen or removed. Makes it easy to make people persona non grata. It works both ways. The issue of immigration being incapable of discerning our own from interlopers will not be removed. Some people, because of the nature of their illness , will not be carrying cards or useful documents. It is how it is. Maybe we should go for the ear tattoos and the microchips in the back as with my dog. That would help, but then in some countries, they pay plenty to get other microchips in their forearms. Knowing is knowledge. We have broken down our society to create an economy, so we don't know each other. In a society people know who they belong to and who belongs to them. The biometric stuff was shaken out earlier this year when the Germans showed you could make false fingerprints which scanned fom melted Gummi bears and use an ordinary digital picture for the iris scanner. ID us if you want, but don't waste our money on something which will create a cash product for some, fail to identify others and be something which is just another thing we have which doesn't actually work.

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