
Saturday, May 14, 2005

Afghan Minister Seeks Aid In War On Heroin

Afghanistan: Afghan Minister Seeks Aid In War On Heroin:

"He suggested that the internationally backed eradication programme was beginning to show positive results after Afghanistan's opium crop reached 4,200 tonnes in 2004, the largest annual figure since the end of Taliban rule. But with this year's harvest still ongoing and the absence of more definitive data on eradication awaiting more reliable United Nations estimates later this year, UK officials yesterday pointed more cautiously to figures of 40 tonnes being seized over the last month, and 75 tonnes over the last year."

At last, everyone is doing it. Lieutenant General Mohammad Daud Daud, Afghanistan's deputy interior minister, is speaking about changing the crops in Afghanistan to solve the poverty and the drug problems in the world. When places like Afghanistan can speak out openly and honestly about what they need and then others help supply the help, then we can solve our worst problems. The tsunami showed me, and I am still sorry that had to happen so that we could see it for ourselves, how well we can co operate and help as one human being to another and one nation to another. I have said before we have enough problems to demand our resources, time and high level thinking without man made problems. It is the water on the stone approach and it works. Change is action. Naive or not, I'd so like to live in a world where we work on big projects together for our mutual benefit. Even money makers will make enough money if we are alive and healthy enough to be decent consumers.

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