
Sunday, February 06, 2005

An ounce of prevention prevents detention | PM announces detention inquiry (06-02-2005)

This is an unbelievable story. It is horrifying, sad, unbelieveable. The only good I can see is that it demonstrates clearly and unequivocally the two things we have been saying loud and clear as a nation:

1. Not enough resources and planning are going into mental health care.
2. People who are locked up in the detention centre have become persona non grata and their cases are NOT being considered effectively and efficiently.

You cannot regret an incident like this. It cannot be diminished in any way. Doing this to someone who is not able to be responsible for herself and her behaviour shows a heartless, careless, inefficient, cruel protocol for the mentally ill and those in detention centres. It should never happen. It's not an "oops".

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