
Saturday, September 13, 2008

Childhood Innocence Lost

AdelaideNow... Sex club for six year olds exposed
Meanwhile, on the Sunshine Coast, a gang of nine-year-old boys has been accused of "grooming" children as young as five to engage in sex acts. Investigators were told victims were rewarded with lollies.

I think we need to step back and take a deep breath. Someone who who ought to know once told me that when people are abused they will often repeat that dysfunction but put their own colour on it. So the behaviour is the same, with a twist. There have been enough cases of children being abused for us to know that this goes across every culture and every century. Then there is the curiosity of children and they used to grow up exploring their world and their bodies in all childhood innocence but the advent of increased supervision has made that a thing of the past I suppose and media images have twisted it all. So now we have little children engaged in sexual things and the first thing we need to decide is if it is healthy or dysfunctional and then why they would be doing it at school. The anger of the parents is understandable but it will slow down the logical exploration fo what is happening here. I can well imagine the teachers were troubled and disturbed with some of what has been described here and may well have sought help elsewhere. From what the parents have been quoted as saying then the Department of Education has been slow to supply help , advice and mediators...then there ought to be some counsellors and sociologists so we can get this all straight. Teachers are there to teach and not deal with all the ills or misunderstandings of society but it seems there hasn't been a logical way of dealing with it so that the children can be treated in a calm way. Exploding over it, avoiding it, hoping it will go away, buck passing all tend to suggest that the adults are not equipped to deal with this and need some proper help and advice so they can get quickly to the facts and information which will resolve this. It cannot be left. A team of qualified people needs to get in there and help these schools and parents.

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