
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Back to Work!

Super savaged in share rout |
AUSTRALIANS on the verge of retirement will have to stay in the work force for two or three more years as the share market plunged to its lowest close for nearly four years yesterday.

I should like to think some sense and moderation will come out of this current global mismanagement. Money was easy to come by and a lot of people have become rich or richer. The inflated property prices, the inflated share prices...well, if you keep inflating it goes bang...pop! Things have been manipulated and they will need to be thought out very carefully because wealth is riding on this global market. People have been talking about staying in the work force. In my opinion, that is a good thing. For the last 3 years we have been losing some very capable workers to early retirement. People have been so diverted into wealth creation they have forgotten about the common good and the team effort. They have been very determined to get out of the work force. That in itself tells us how bad it has been in the work place. While companies have driven employees and managers to push up profits for the sacred shareholders, people's health and lives have turned into a shambles because the focus has been wealth and not health. There has been a complete loss of balance over the last 10 years so that work has shut down the health and happiness of a lot of they have hung onto the notion they can get rich and retire. As soon as that has been possible, they have gone. So own we are in the position where we have lost a lifetime of expertise and knowledge. People who know and can do the job. The demands on them have been too great and then they have had to face this ageing prejudice. Young folk will come in a take over. It'll happen, but it has been forced because it has been cheaper. So then businesses find out that young people haven't had the time to learn the ropes of the commitment to work and their companies are falling about and I am certain everyone is dealing with angry phone calls because of a lack of service. Service is having people who know the job...not someone who tries to bluff their way through to the next promotion. So I'd like to think this crisis will get some of our good workers back who can support and train the young ones coming in. The younger staff need that support and in time they too will be competent and knowledgeable. We keep thinking there is a short  cut to experience and time. There isn't...what you get is what we have own on the markets...frantic grasping at straws and reaction instead of response. No foundation, no stability.

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