
Friday, July 20, 2007

Virtual friends 'beats real socialising'

Virtual friends 'beats real socialising' : "Half of all broadband users logon to social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace and MSN Messenger, the price comparison and switching service found."

Even though the article refers to the UK , I don't think its findings are confined to there. Social networking seems to be the in thing and it's not surprising it has overtaken all sorts of Net activities because with things like Twitter it becomes addictive. It's a way of breaking out of the routine and getting in contact with people because your work hours are so long. It is how a lot of people are managing long, busy days and keeping social contact . If virtual friends are more appealing it's probably because you don't have to carry the baggage which can come with friendships and there isn't the time commitment. It also means people can make friends anywhere and that has to be a bonus for isolated people or people who do not easily make friends. On the Net you can adopt a persona. It is virtual reality. I guess it serves a lot of needs but it is also breaking barriers and getting us to really think about what we value. Personally, I value my Net contacts, but I really like to know people in real life.

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