
Monday, February 12, 2007

PM stands by Obama attack.

PM stands by Obama attack. : "'The most charitable thing you can say about Mr Howard's comment is it's bizarre,' Senator Wyden said.

'You know, we'll make our own judgements in this country with respect to elections and Barack Obama's a terrific public servant.'"

Exactly!! Discretion is the better part of valour. We hate it when overseas people of import stick their noses in here and pass comment. It is true, we ought to be able to speak freely, but when you are a head of state or a person of considerable import, then I think you stay out of the affairs of another country...and their election is their election and ours will be ours. Not that I think Senator Obama cannot defend himslef and Mr. Howard has probably allowed him to prove just that. I guess as a head of state you have to be able to manage meddlers. As for criticising the invasion of Iraq, well, yes, we can because it is quite clear it was the wrong decision and that it was ill conceived and we are now in a situation where it is a gaping hole on the planet. Mr. Bush did decide that and it was not a good idea. We do pass comments and opinions on leaders of countries and their decisions. Passing comment on a candidate for an election who has to win it on a platform is not on, not when you are in a leadership position in another country. Thinking it and maybe making your own phonecall to Senator Obama is "diplomacy"... I can see how this can be judged as interference because we'd think the same. All Mr. Howard can do is say he doesn't agree with a 2008 pullout of troops.

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