
Saturday, November 07, 2009

Front Loader Washing Machine

Never had a front loader. Never thought I'd want one. I had a VERY old washing machine and could strip it down and fix it when it got too noisy. I had a new one once and burnt the breaks out and was disgusted with the lint filter so I just used the old one FOREVER! Now my sister has moved from a 3 bedroom place to a one bedroom unit I have inherited her almost new front loader and drier. Yes. I now own a drier. My sister used to have them stacked on top of each other. I have them separate and I can say it makes my laundry look grand. I wasn't supposed to get her washing machine but when she has moved to such a small place then we have had to swap a few items from each of our homes so she can live comfortably. It's the way we did it! It has been fun to get new things from a home you have known! It gives them a new look. The washing machine saga started when there just wasn't enough room to fit in her washing machine and so it was parked randomly in her laundry/bathroom area. She couldn't use it because you couldn't reach the taps. So then it because necessary to find the thinnest washing machine in Adelaide and I must say the sales people were very compassionate and patient and let us measure everything meticulously. Such a tight squeeze! After a week of looking and measuring we found a beautiful little one that has intelligent washing and plays a little tune at the end. The lint filter is magnificent and I must say it is a brilliant little machine. As for my  new front loader...boy do I have to be disciplined! You can't shove stuff in if you forget. You have to remember you put it on too because it it takes 2 and a half hours to wash! A whole new way of washing and it washes so well and takes the fuss out of it all. I love it, but I have had to retrain myself. Impressed with the water saving aspects of it. So now I am a walking advert for front loaders.

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