
Monday, February 23, 2009

Bushfire Appeal

"The Princess Royal’s donation will be offered in addition to the money donated to the Bushfire Appeal Fund by Queen Elizabeth."

Word gets around fast here. We communicate things very quickly and technology has only enhanced our capacity to spread the word. Our first observation today was about how Princess Anne stepped so adroitly into our country and tuned in quickly to our wants and needs. We have already heard about how compassionate she has been and how she offered her own donation to help us. She has gained a lot of respect and friendship in such a short time and it came as a surprise to us that we would like her so much and value the way she has participated in something which is essentially very personal even if it has gone all over world news.  Because we are still British subjects then we discussed who paid for the trip and how then she has put all that protocol and formality aside and created the balance and focus which needed to be there on a day such as yesterday. Our second observation was that in the light of satellite communications we really need to get on the ball if our communications are knocked out by bushfires. We need a 2009 technological solution to this. We cannot stand not being able to communicate but when we are in dire straits we absolutely have to have the capacity to communicate effectively and efficiently.

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